SportNL in conjunction with our members and key government officials have been working behind the scene’s to have revisions made to Alert Level 2 Sport Guidance Documents to reflect the concerns of our sport community over the last couple of days. We are pleased to announce that changes have been made to the sport guidance document to clarify the various forms of competition that can occur.The revised guidance for sports now states the following:
So long as the 50 person maximum gathering rule is followed along with all Public Health Guidelines, single games/matches between sports teams, including between neighbouring communities are allowed. Tournaments, Provincial Championships and back to back games/matches in a normal tournament style cannot take place due to gathering restrictions and concern about crowding. A minimum of a 30 minute break between games is required to allow spectators and participants time to leave, and for cleaning/disinfection of equipment and frequently touched surfaces to occur, before the next teams arrive.
Game Organizers must keep records of all players, coaches, trainers, officials and others related to game play for two weeks to aid in rapid contact tracing when needed. Guidelines regarding preventing close contact show still be followed.
We would like to thank all groups and individuals that have supported these changes and are working towards the safest return to sport for all to enjoy.
To view amendments, please visit COVID-19 Sport Guidance