Inducted November 16, 1991

Gerald Angel - Athlete/Builder

Gerry Angel was born in St. John’s and educated at St. Patrick’s Hall School.

As a young man Gerry became interested in rowing and at the age of 15 started his rowing career. He was considered a superior oarsman and continued for 10 years. Several years after his retirement from rowing he was invited to be a member of the St. John’s Regatta Committee in June, 1946. In his first year he was asked to take over as Secretary of the Boathouse and Pond Committee. This position he held for ten years. In 1957 and ’58 he was elected as Honourary Secretary of the St. John’s Regatta Committee. From 1958 to 1962 he was Vice-Chairman of the Boathouse and Pond Committee. In 1963 the body saw the potential of this young man so they elected him Vice-President. The following year he was voted President of the Regatta Committee, the position he held until 1967 when he declined nomination. From 1968 to 1980 Gerry was Chairman of the Past-President’s Committee.

In 1982 he was named Honourary Life President, a position no other member of the St. John’s Regatta Committee was ever named.

In 1952 Gerry Angel was Secretary of the new Boat Committee. Mike Howley had produced a detailed set of plans of the Blue Peter 1 in that year. Gerry made contact with Jencraft of Kelowa, British Columbia and four new boats were obtained for the 1953 Regatta. The boats were Blue Peter IV, Royalist II, Telegram and Bob Section II. They were so successful that this Committee tried to purchase four more, but Jencraft were out of business. In 1962 Gerry made contact with Sims in Toronto and four new boats were built. They were Miss India, Miss C.J.N. Royalist III and Blue Peter VI. The Caribou was brought in during 1965 and these Sims shells were excellent.

In 1966 this Committee ordered four more shells to ensure that we have five shells for Regatta Day. The extra one as a back-up in case of an accident and also four boats of exactly the same type for practice. Having nine shells from the same builder was a giant step forward. Gerry Angel felt that having nine shells would ensure the continuation of the Regatta. Thirteen shells were purchased from 1953 to 1967.

Although honoured by the Committee, as Honourary Life President, Angel’s interest in all Regatta matters never waned and he is further honoured by the fact that he may attend meetings, act as a timer or a judge for races on Regatta Day or time trials, and still be a part of the great “Day of the Races”.