The Sport NL Annual general meeting will be taking place on Saturday, November 16th at the Fairfield Inn and Suites on Kenmount Road. All members are invited to attend and participate in the presentations, AGM business, and the election of officers.
We are delighted to have to have two presentations this year:
1. Kate Moorehouse from the Canadian Olympic Committee
Session summary: LGBTQI2S Presentation and Discussion
This session will focus on providing a high-level summary of resources and tools available to the sport system that will assist in creating safer and more inclusive sport environments for LGBTQI2S identified individuals. The second half of the session will allow participants to ask questions and start a discussion on specific concerns and gaps.
2. Shelley Coolidge from the Coaching Association of Canada
Session Summary: The Responsible Coaching Movement (RCM) is coordinated by the Coaching Association of Canada and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport that has the potential to affect all sport organizations and coaches. The RCM is a call to action for organizations to implement realistic change based on their individual state of readiness. This session led by Shelley Coolidge, ChPC- Manager, Professional Coaching Services with the Coaching Association of Canada will provide information and create dialogue surrounding the various aspects of the Responsible Coaching Movement and its implementation at various levels within your sport organization. Topics discussed will include:
- Why is RCM important?
- Where do I start?
- Organizational risk audit
- RCM elements
- Tools and resources
- (Audit, Implementation, definitions, intervention)
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, November 16, 2019
Please note the AGM registration deadline is Friday, November 8, 2019