Ultimate Newfoundland and Labrador is offering two NCCP coaching courses in April, both of which are specifically designed to develop coaches for the sport of ultimate Frisbee.

Two female ultimate coaches demonstrate defensive positioning and breaking a mark while surrounded by youth players.

Two female ultimate coaches demonstrate defensive positioning and breaking a mark while surrounded by youth players.

April 5: Community Initiation Coaching Course

This one-day course incorporates both classroom and practical learning for participants interested in coaching at a beginner level. The cost is $40.

Participants will learn how to instruct the basic skills and rules of ultimate as well as examine their role as a coach, learn how to plan practices, explore ethics in coaching and how to evaluate the needs of athletes.

For more information and to register, click here.

April 18-19: Competition Introduction Coaching Course

This two-day workshop is aimed at those interested in coaching competitive youth programs or adult development programs. The cost is $75.

Participants will learn about different learning styles, assessing coaching effectiveness, leading drills, correcting common errors and planning new activities. This course incorporates Ultimate Canada’s Long-term Athlete Development (LTAD) model.

For more information and to register, click here.

For more information, please contact Kathleen Sullivan, sport development director, at sportdev@ultimatenl.ca.