Hall of Fame

“They Brought Us Honour, We Remember With Pride”

The Sport Newfoundland and Labrador Hall of Fame is designed to recognize, honour and pay tribute to all individuals, groups, associations, families or teams on the basis of playing ability, sportsmanship and character and who have achieved extra-ordinary distinction in any sport, whether that distinction be achieved in amateur and/or professional athletics. It recognizes, honours and pays tribute to those individuals, groups, associations or families who have given distinguished services and who have made a major contribution to the development and advancement of amateur sport in Newfoundland and Labrador. Lastly it encourages the development of all aspects of sport by permanently recording the achievements and history of such individuals, groups, associations, families or teams.

Sport Newfoundland and Labrador administers the Newfoundland and Labrador Sports Hall of Fame.
Each year the Selection Committee reviews all nominations on file and accepts 3-5 new members.

Nominations must be received at the office of Sport Newfoundland and Labrador before the end of November each year.
It is recommended that nominees collect as much information as possible prior to submitting a nomination.

Note: Sport NL is accepting 2024 Nominations until June 15, 2024

Nomination Process – InformationNomination FormSample Guide – AthleteSample Guide – Builder

View Hall of Fame Members

* Deceased